If holy priests, whom Jesus in His Gospel calls the “salt of the earth,” show in their conduct their extreme need for prayers, what is to be said of those who are tepid? Didn’t Jesus say too: “If the salt loses its savor, wherewith will it be salted?”
How beautiful then is the vocation, O Mother, which has as its aim the preservation of the salt destined for souls! This is Carmel’s vocation since the sole purpose of our prayers and sacrifices is to be the apostle of the apostles. We are to pray for them while they are preaching to souls through their words and especially their example.
Today, when I am enjoying Carmel’s solitude (resting in the shadow of him whom I have so ardently desired), I find I paid very little for my happiness, and would be ready to bear with even greater trials to acquire it if I still didn’t have it!